
Understanding your Business Cash Flow

April is Financial Literacy Month, so let’s focus on understanding the lifeblood of your business: cash flow. Cash flow is the money coming into (income) and going out of (expenses) your business in a specific period. Think of it as your business bank...

Sole Prop vs Pty, what should I trade as?

When setting up a new business, entrepreneurs always ask, “What should I trade as?” Today, I’m breaking Sole Prop vs PTY (from a tax and earnings point of view). Let’s consider an example of a business in South Africa, ABC Consulting, operated by an entrepreneur...

Common Tax Mistakes Business Owners Make

Everyone makes mistakes; it’s all part of the entrepreneurial process, but we’re here to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes in the next tax season… Here are the most common mistakes we see business owners make regarding tax and how to avoid...

When is it time to outsource your financial management?

Wearing too many hats as a small business owner? Between finding clients, delivering projects, and keeping the lights on (when Eskom allows), finances can often get put on the back burner. Outsourcing your business finances to a qualified professional like Fin-Source...